Monday, February 9, 2015

Snowed in & Sick.

PracticallyFit pups.
Another snowy Monday here in CT...but unlike last week's snowpocalypse I'm not drowning myself in DayQuil and tissues.  THANK GOD!  This week I can actually enjoy the wine, fireplace and endless amounts of Netflix!

So how do you battle a winter flu, winter weather and still try to continue your healthy lifestyle???  Well that is what I battled last week.  How do I remain healthy while staying healthy?!?

My first bit of advice is to rest.  If you feel that disgusting post-nasal drip and the congestion beginning then take a break.  You may be running too fast and not sleeping enough!  Catch some zzz's, the gym will be there tomorrow.  And even while I was telling myself this I felt like someone was slowly killing me, but guess what??  I'm not dead! And I probably busted through that cold 100 times faster because I did rest my body for the better part of a week.

After the rest it's important to wean yourself back into your old routine.  It's crazy to think that you NEED to do this, but trust me you do!  It takes 6-8 weeks to build endurance and strength and only takes you about 10-14 days to lose it!  So not fair...I know, but it's the way it is!  De-conditioning sets in almost immediately.  So guess what...after those 7 days spent in bed it is a terrible idea to think you can go pound out a 5 mile run!! This is how people end up with injuries and then you end up in my office and out of commission even longer....lame.  So take it easy!  For example, I returned to working out on Saturday where I did a 45 min spin class and took it easy on myself, just enough to break a sweat. Then Sunday a 3.25 mile run and some light lifting and stretching.  Today, Monday, is a rest day, partially due to snow, but partially due to the fact that I'm still recovering.  So then tomorrow a return to a full yoga class and hopefully a kick ass work out on Wednesday.  You won't lose everything by doing this, but you will prevent injury and prevent your cold from raging on!!!  PLUS this allows you to get back to full work outs instead of those half-assed ones you do when you're feeling under the weather!

Short and sweet but another thing to limit is your time outside.  Enough said, it's f*cking cold out, so get your sick ass back inside and save the snow shoveling for your spouse or a nice neighbor!

Last but not least is your diet.  When I'm sick I have a hard time getting myself to eat anything, which is terrible all I'm doing is depriving my body of all the good vitamins and nutrients it needs!!  Try filling yourself with some great organic, low-sodium soups, a good chicken noodle or lentil.  TEA, green, black, blue whatever you want, it helps! Aaaand it will soothe that aching chest/throat.  Keep taking your regular vitamins and maybe add a probiotic.  Probiotics are not only good for digestive health, but for overall well-being, they can help keep that cold tame.  And probably most importantly is getting those anti-oxidants and vitamins, some berries, greens, etc.  I sautéed some spinach/kale and had soup.   The mix didn't overwhelm my not-hungry-self and it was warm, comforting, plus full of good stuff to fight that nasty-ass cold.

So rest up this winter, kids, and if you feel that nasty winter cold setting in follow some PracticallyFit advice and chill.  You'll still be you when it passes.

Below you can check out our frozen tundra!!!

This was only the beginning.

The pups love the snow, especially Olive!

Our snow mountain in the front yard, crazy!