Monday, April 1, 2013

Pain in my neck

Slept wrong? Stress at work?  What IS that crick in my neck?????
Neck pain can really be a pain in the ass, or neck ;) ,  to deal with, and many dysfunctions may be the cause of it.  So let's discuss what the pain in your neck could be and some conservative ways to deal with it!

Common Causes of Neck (Cervical) Pain:
1.  Muscle Sprain or Strain:  this is the most common cause of neck pain.  Think of whiplash! We move our neck too quickly & our muscles respond.  Sometimes this can occur even while resting, like during sleep.  We move our head quickly, or our head/neck has been resting in a position for too long, we move & BAM a quick strain!  Our muscles are just doing what they do best and trying to hold onto our head for dear life!  This leaves the muscles painful, tight & possibly even in spasm!

2.  Degenerative Joint/Disc Disease (DJD & DDD):  basically aging of the spine.  As we age, so does our spine....rocket science huh?  Aging of the spine causes our discs to loose fluid & our vertebrae to get closer together over time.  This leads to the facet joints (where the vertebrae meet) to rub together more often, leading to arthritic changes. This can cause stiffness, pain, & muscle tightness.

3.  Trigger points or muscle tightness:  trigger points are dense areas of muscle tissue which when pressure is applied can radiate pain into the head, neck or shoulders.  Trigger points may develop insidiously or can be caused from poor posture, DJD, and/or DDD.  This can really ache a good massage or tennis ball placed in the right place can help temporarily!

4.  Disc herniation:  disc herniation is when the cervical disc protrudes into the spinal canal, caused by many reasons.  Generally neck pain is felt, but may not be, the biggest tell-tale sign is any symptoms into 1 or both arms.  If you have numbness/tingling/pain into your fingers and/or arms consult your physician or physical therapist you may need more aggressive treatment.

Those are the 4 most common, and trust me there are many more causes & types of neck pain, but we don't have all day do we?

Now that we've listed the 4 most common causes, let's discuss what to do!

1.  Heat vs Ice:  Generally with the neck heat is your ticket.  A form of moist heat is best, as the moisture acts a conductor & will achieve a deep warmth faster.  Use a heating pad, or damp wash cloth in the microwave.  Be careful it doesn't get too hot!  Heat will ease arthritis pain, increase muscle length & most of all relax you releasing that tension in your muscles.  20 minutes of this & you will feel great!

2.  Take a pain reliever:  For all my holistics out there, TAKE SOMETHING IT'S OK!  2 ibuprofen or Aleve is not going to kill you & if there is an inflammatory process starting or recurring this will help ease pain & begin healing quicker!  Especially take something if you are unable to sleep, sleeping is when we heal and if you can't sleep, no healing...ya feel me?!

3.  Stretch:  rolling your head in gently neck circles is a great start, with all the stretches it is important to stay in a pain-free range!

Stretch 1
Stretch 1
 Stretch 1, the upper trapezius:  Sit on your left hand palm facing up (this secures your shoulder blade giving a deeper stretch), then tilt away (to the right) from that hand.  This should generate a deep stretch down the left side of your neck.

Stretch 2
Stretch 2

Stretch 2, the levator scapulae:  Sit on your left hand palm facing up.  Tilt your head to the right (away from your hand) & rotate as if looking towards the right hip.

Both stretches you want to hold for approximately 60 seconds, 3 times on each side, 2x/day if dealing with a strain

4.  Strengthening:  Can you strengthening your neck? Of course you can!  It's been widely studied that if you strain or injure your neck your deep stabilizing muscles turn off & you are left with no underlying stability.  Stupid muscles!  So once your pain has toned down & you are able to perform this exercise with no pain, it is time to strengthen!  The supine chin tuck is my favorite starter exercise.  And you get a random person in this picture demonstration because I will exploit myself for some things, but not for a double chin exercise.

Begin by lying flat on the floor without a pillow.  Then gently tuck your chin down to create a double chin.  Hold for up to 30 seconds then relax.  Perform 5 repetitions per day.  You may feel a strong stretch through the back of your neck as well as muscles working deep in the front!

With the stretches and strengthening exercises it is important to not feel any sharp pain, and if you do STOP!  As I said up top if you have any symptoms down into your arms consult your physician or physical therapist.

Hope you guys can use this advice to combat any neck pains or stress that leaves you feeling tense!
Until next time!!

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